Sunday, February 6, 2011


I finally made an appointment to get my hair done, 9 months later. This is a pattern for me, huge gaps between haircuts. I think the problem is that I like big changes, I like to have fun with my hair... just so long as it doesn't unexpectedly make me look like a boy or turn green. Then I get upset. Very upset. Anyways. APPOINTMENT! It's a week away and I don't know what I want to do. Well I know what I would love to do but seeing as I'm not 22 anymore, and I really don't need anything to make me look any younger, I'm at a loss. Still I'm having fun looking for a design/color/style and oogling over beautiful hairstyles that I know wont suit me or that I'll never have because my hair is neither long nor straight.





color and cut



Looking at these I also realize that I'll be restricted by upkeep. It needs to be easy/cheap upkeep so bright/white blondes, multi-colors, and bright colors are probably out of the question. Though my hair was a slighter darker shade than the first photo while I was pregnant, and the most compliments I've ever received on my hair was when it was bright pink. Little old ladies love the pink.

Can anyone find photos of some nice browns? I'm not a big brown/brunette fan but maybe there's an interesting brown that would look nice on my pale skin. (cooler rather than warmer)

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