Saturday, February 19, 2011

Over my head.

I am very slowly packing.

I went to my storage unit to see what I wanted to get rid of before moving. I guess I have a lot less than I thought, which is awesome, because there was a lot less in there than expected. Less to get rid of. What is with the redundancy? Did you get the picture, I have less?! Anyhow, to start with I pulled the TV, VCR/DVD, TV stand, and all my christmas decorations which will go in my parents garage. I also pulled out the boxes of kitchen crap in the hopes of going through it before the big move. I have more kitchen stuff than anything and I'm a sucker for old vintage-y tupperware and bakeware. (iboughttwonewbakewaredishesatthethriftstoretoday...shhh) My new kitchen isn't that big but I think I'll have enough storage for most things. The giant electric wok I forgot about might have to go, I need space for the spices. Apparently I'll need at least a cupboard or two for all my herbs and spices. You'd think I cook a different ethnic dish every night. Hmm, maybe I should keep the wok afterall...

I nabbed an old vintagey highchair outside an antique shop for free a few years back. I thought the kid might be interested in using it for dolls but she couldn't care much less about those. Besides, it's a full size wooden highchair. Where the hell was I planning on putting that? So, anyone interested in a vintage high chair? Or maybe a school desk. I'm definitely ditching the high chair but I'm still unsure about the desk. I have two and I can find reasons to keep both but still feel like I should be getting rid of one. I'm suppose to be paring down what I own, right?

The clothes packing is happening reluctantly, but since I took down the closet organizers they used to be in I have no where else to put them. I'm not really concerned with having enough to wear for the next week or two but I feel like if I pack them I'm going to suddenly lose all my underwear or something. Besides the clothes I don't think I really have that much to pack. Probably more than I think. I'll see after tomorrow. I plan to bust my butt packing as much as I can so I can hopefully feel less stressed and get some other things done. I was planning on finishing the kiddo's quilt before moving, I was going to do some homework in advance so as to not have to worry about it while moving, and I bought a bunch of wool sweaters today in the hopes of making a rug and/or pillows out of them. I wont have a sewing machine once I move so there is a reason behind the madness.

Illusions of grandeur. I have them.

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